CBD has become a go-to solution for many problems that people face on a daily basis. This includes sleep problems or insomnia. But have you ever wondered how to take CBD oil for sleep? If you want to know more about CBD oil, keep reading and find out about CBD oil for sleep!
Why Does Someone Struggle to Sleep?
Many people suffer from some form of sleep problem. In the US alone, there are 70 million people suffering from this problem. But why do so many people struggle to fall asleep? Why does our child-like ability to pass out right after hitting the pillow vanish with age?
Let’s take a look at the possible causes behind sleep problems:
- Stress: If you are worried or agitated because of work, education, personal life, etc., your mind may remain overactive. Recent trauma can also be a cause of concern.
- Sporadic Sleep Schedule: Irregular sleep schedule due to work hours, frequent time zone changes, etc., can mess with your circadian rhythms and cause insomnia.
- Late Eating: If you have dinner late or binge-eating before bedtime, you may feel uncomfortable lying down or experience digestive issues, leading to sleeplessness.
- Mental Health: If you’re diagnosed with mental health conditions like anxiety or PTSD, you are likely to face sleep disorders. Waking up too early can result in depression.
- Medical Conditions: There are many medical conditions that may lead to sleeplessness, like chronic pain, hyperthyroidism, asthma, diabetes, cancer, and more.
- Medicines: Both over-the-counter medicines such as cough medicines and prescription drugs, including blood pressure medication, etc., are known to disrupt sleep.
- Caffeine/Nicotine/Alcohol: Coffee and energy drinks can keep you up at night. So can cigarettes. Alcohol can induce sleep at odd hours and cause sleepless nights.
- Sleep Disorders: There are many sleep-related disorders like sleep apnea that causes breathing problems or restless leg syndrome that causes unusual leg sensations.
- Bedtime: Be consistent with your bedtime and wake-up time.
- Exercise: Schedule your adrenaline-pumping exercise regime during the day.
- Dinner: Make sure to eat a couple of hours before your bedtime.
- Caffeine: Do not drink caffeinated drinks late. Try to shift to decaffeinated drinks.
- Nap: Avoid daytime naps. If you’re too tired, take a power nap of just 10 min.
- Bedroom Setting: Make a comfortable, dark, and quiet sleeping environment.
- De-stressing: Practice stress-relieving exercises, especially before exercising.
- Sleep Disorders: Identify sleep disorder symptoms and speak to your doctor.
- CBD Oil: You can give CBD oil a try. It’s a natural answer to sleep problems.
Tips to Getting Better Sleep
There are plenty of new lifestyle choices and habits that you can adopt to help you fall asleep. They are as follows:
How to Take CBD Oil for Sleep?
CBD oil is trusted by people struggling to get proper sleep and stay asleep. CBD not only induces sleep but also addresses some of the causes of sleep problems. One of the major contributors to sleep problems is stress; anxiety and sleep problems are closely related.
CBD is known to release stress and anxiety. It can also help you manage symptoms of other mental health conditions. It is also helpful in managing health conditions like diabetes, chronic pain, arthritis, etc. Many people use medical marijuana to manage sleep disorders.
CBD oil, especially full spectrum CBD with the combined effects of cannabinoids, can manipulate the activities of the endocannabinoid system and regulate appetite, sleep, energy, mental health conditions, and much more. It can maintain complete balance.
Many trusted brands have now started producing CBD oil which you can easily buy online. You can follow their dosage instructions or have a discussion with your doctor. Just place a few drops of the oil under the tongue for some time and then swallow it.
CBD Oil Dosage for Sleep
The CBD oil dosage for sleep will depend on your health and how long you have used CBD. After all, every person’s body reacts differently to any form of medicine, whether natural supplements or pharmaceutical drugs. Studies indicate that the dosage can be 20-1500 mg/day.
From your health conditions to the severity of your sleep problems and their causes – everything needs to be considered to determine the dosage for CBD oil. Accordingly, your physician may help you choose the right dosage. But your approach will differ for over-the-counter CBD.
It is best to start your CBD journey with a product of the lowest potency level and consume the lowest dosage suggested by the brand. Observe how your body reacts to it for about a week and if you see any difference. Accordingly, you can increase your intake.
When to Take CBD Oil for Sleep?
You may wonder what the ideal time for administering CBD oil might be. If you are using CBD for sleep, You have to remember that it can take around 20 min for CBD oil’s effects to kick in. It can even take a long time if you’re using CBD for a while now.
But, the time may be shorter if you are already taking some other sleep medications. The dosage of CBD will also affect the time for which you have to wait before feeling the effects of CBD. So, it is a good idea to take your CBD about 30-60 min before bedtime.
Does CBD Interact with sleeping pills?
If you are already taking some other medications, including sleeping medication, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor regarding the possibility of a drug interaction. Our body uses certain enzymes to metabolize medicines. The same enzyme is used to process CBD.
As a result, the drugs you’re taking may not be processed completely, which will leave some of them in your system. Drug interactions may lead to uncomfortable symptoms or toxicity. If CBD interacts with sleep medication, it will lead to too much drowsiness.
You will feel extreme tiredness and sedation as a result of CBD interacting with sleep medicines. The same may happen if you use herbal medicines that are supposed to support sleep. Your doctor will be able to help you manage CBD and sleep medication properly.
Final Words
Research to prove the effectiveness of CBD on sleep problems or insomnia is still underway. However, preliminary studies show that this CBD oil has the potential to become a natural sleep inducer. It is already used by many people struggling to catch some rest.
The best part about using CBD oil for sleep, according to users, is that it works quickly and helps get deep sleep. You can experience uninterrupted sleep and wake up feeling well-rested and fresh, with no drowsiness or foggy feeling in the head.
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